1993: Manifesto93.txt [1993]
1993: Trading card 1993 [image of original Frodus Trading Card]
1994: Lyrics: Molotov Cocktail Party Cassette Release [rtf]
1994: Public Service Announcement [mp3 audio, 1994]
1995: Lyrics: Fireflies [rtf]
1997: J. Krienik Studio Journals [J. Kreinik, Producer]
1997: Image collage 1997
1997: FCI europe 1997 [jpeg image, rare photograph with r mason (bassist)]
1998: Lyrics: Conglomerate International [html]
1998: Image collage 1998
1998: FCI studio sketch [during the 'conglomerate international' sessions]
1998: Frodus opening page [gif]
1998: Complete Website Archive [not all links/images operational] [DECLASSIFIED]
1998: News item: Refused Breaks Up! Vans Die! [html]
1999: Frodus/Atomic Fireball japanese 7" cover side 1 [jpeg]
1999: Frodus/Atomic Fireball japanese 7" cover side 2 [jpeg]
1999: Frodus/Atomic Fireball japanese tour poster [gif]
1999: Frodus/Atomic Fireball japanese tour flyer [gif - in japanese]
1999: Frodus japanese theme opening screen [jpeg]
1999: Frodus japanese theme opening screen 2 [jpeg]
1999: Frodus flyer Nov. 28th, washington d.c. [png]
1999: Website design [png - screenshot]
1999: Website design during recording of 'weapons' [png - screenshot]
1999: Last Transmission before crash [html]
1999: FCI Canada first contact [scan of typewritten document, first contact]
1999: Last Frodus t-shirt design [gif]
2000: Post-y2k website [png - screenshot]
2000: Post-y2k newsitem [html]
2000: Frodus sketches [png - adobe illustrator screenshot]
2001: Lyrics: And We Washed Our Weapons In The Sea [html]
2002: FCI_radioactivity.rtf [text document, press release for 'radio activity' 2002]
FCI crash archive [text document]
FCI namegame answer [text document]
File 4884549-39084
Frodus controller [jpeg image, ultra-rare photograph of mastermind/controller/ceo]
Unknown employee file [jpeg image, date unknown]
Conglomerate mp3 liner notes and art [zip]
FCI_quotes [compiled by S. Hood / FCI Canada]
Frodus Second Life Shirt 1 [in .tga format, show your affiliation in the metaverse]
Frodus Second Life Shrit 2 [in .tga format, show your affiliation in the metaverse]

Compiled by Stu Hood / FCI Canada

1997: Disposible Underground | PDF Version
1997: Eventide
1997: HM Article
1997: Pressed Press
1997: Whirl
1998: Held Like Sound
1998: Skyscraper
1998: Vintage 'zine
1999: Action Attack Helicopter
1999: SHZine
2000: Buddyhead
2000: Bull Sheet 'zine
2000: Vinyl Sessions
2000: Basement Life
2001: Born Backwards
2001: Line & Ink
2001: Lost At Sea
2001: Sincere Brutality
2001: Splendid E-Zine
2002: HM


Frodus head 600px [600px X 600px Frodus head for mp3 blandishment]


A Call To Arms [essay, html format]