FRODUS QUOTES, compiled by S. Hood (FCI CANADA)
The door stands ajar as the ghosts pass through the walls of the now empty facilities of what was known as the Frodus Conglomerate International. Within these wayward mists, sounds resonate throughout and images flash by. The thoughts: Frodus, a three-piece musical outfit from Washington, DC. Labeled once as the purveyors of 'spazzcore' and the warriors of 'mech-core'. Countless shows, countless releases, and constant reinvention.
The populous that was and will be ask if the entity of Frodus shall resurface... musically, Frodus resurfaces constantly with the ebb and flow of solar flares and the recycling of all culture through generations. As a live experience, Frodus resurfaces as past-memories and future-probability/im-probability.
The machines never died...
- Frodus Communique uplink to FBR HQ circa Nov. 2000
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"Day by day our lives begin to move faster and time itself quickly
becomes our worst enemy. Even as mankind creates mechanized
assistants and computers are to free time and assist our everyday lives
we become even more enslaved by commodity. Life becomes
a blur and the world around us continues to move faster influencing
everything from our work to our play. It is not a strange
consequence that the modern day human's nature of the late 20th century
shows a trend of short-attention spans and high-tension buildup. And as
the perpetual speed of life gains momentum, every one of us nutures a
growing orb of potential energy craving to become kinetic within our
very unconsciousness and the world around us. Chaos is the ruling force
that is taking its throne in the universe once again."
* * * *
"This is something that we want to reach to many people
around the globe. But as they may or may not know, there'll be lots of
tones and things for mind control purposes, which is the true motive
for the FCI and the Conglomerate."
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"When people know the truth, there ARE problems"
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"We're just a group. We do a lot of mind control."
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"[Our] point of achievement is to show the world how we, as a group and as a collective, operate."
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"We don't tell them that this is a mind control thing, they just do what they're told. We have a few people who are
placed on the set that know the correct codes and the sequences [to] spread the mind control initiative."
* * * *
"The whole thing with the FCI is that no one knows who's working for who. So these people think that we're just being annoying,
but in reality we're the reason why they're alive. We're the reason why these people have jobs. So what it is, is
that these people are seeming upset, but they really just don't know the truth."